The eyes are the camera's of our lives..they will see the past, present, and future and although each of our eyes see the different beauties in life they must still be regarded as the most important part of ourselves! The eyes can help tell stories, see the wrong in life, and allow us to see that everyday is a new day where we can help shape the life of another. The eyes see it all...and when you look deep enough into them...the eyes can tell you everything you have ever wanted to know.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Nila's Secret Garden

I received a phone call from an old friend asking if I would be interested in taking some photos of flowers that she was growing in her garden.  She had posted a few quick snapshots and posted them on Facebook but I had no idea of their true beauty until I arrived and saw them for myself!  Then the magic happened! The bugs were busy doing what they were doing and were more than willing to pose for me...which I love!  The two main flowers that you will see are Hawaiian Plumeria and Passion Vine! Absolutely breathtaking!  Thank you Nila for inviting me over!  Enjoy!

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