The eyes are the camera's of our lives..they will see the past, present, and future and although each of our eyes see the different beauties in life they must still be regarded as the most important part of ourselves! The eyes can help tell stories, see the wrong in life, and allow us to see that everyday is a new day where we can help shape the life of another. The eyes see it all...and when you look deep enough into them...the eyes can tell you everything you have ever wanted to know.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Youth Advocate Program

I had the honor of capturing memories of three very important people for the Youth Advocate Program.  For those of you that are not familiar with the Youth Advocate Program it is a company that works one-on-one with at-risk youth and their families.  It takes a special person to make a difference in the lives of a child and Joyce Biglow, Samuel Goss, and Alberto Govea have been doing that for the last 20 years right here in Tarrant County! Not was I lucky enough to photograph their milestone but I am also privileged enough to work along side them!  Congrats to all and thank you for all your hard work to pave the way for others to help make a difference as well! Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Larissa: Senior 2012 (Cont.)

There were SO MANY great shots of Larissa that I am having trouble choosing my favorites!! Here are 10 more that I want to share!  More to come!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Larissa: Senior 2012

 Larissa, a 2012 Senior, is amazingly beautiful inside and out and it as you can clearly see from these photos! As her cousin I am extremely proud of her and the young lady that she has become!  It was truly my honor to take her photos to capture one of the most memorable times in her life!! Congrats Riss! I love you and can't wait to see what amazing things you do after graduation!!

I absolutely love this next one and had to share it!  The horse is smiling right along with her!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Turtles...Did you know that they fight?

I am sure you are asking what the heck I am talking about but I seriously never thought of turtles being aggressive animals in the animal kingdom...until today! While visiting the Botanic Gardens in Fort Worth I always stop to watch the turtles in the main fountain.  Today was no different.  There were tons of turtles "sunbathing" and I captured two moments that I just loved and wanted to share.  Here they are...

I bet you are thinking the same thing I was....AWWWWW How cute are they!!! Now you are probably noticing that these turtles aren't fighting like suggested in the title, right? after viewing and photographing the cute turtles my boys and I took a path that I had never taken before that led us to a "pond" in the back corner of the gardens where everything seemed peaceful until I noticed something appear to "jump" into the water and noticed a splash,  Curousity got my cat and I waited for a few more minutes when two turtles started thrashing in the water.  WOW!! I had never seen this before! I got out the camera again and started taking pictures with rapid fingers and after looking through my pictures I caught this photo that I want to share with's simply amazing!  Look closely and you will notice that one turtle has the other turtle by the throat! Simply amazing to capture nature in its truest form! Take a look!!

A Walk in the Garden

I took an afternoon trip to the Botanic Gardens in Fort Worth today and even though most of the flowers had not bloomed yet there were still many beauties to be found!  Finding these little beauties made me realize how ready I am for Spring to be in full swing! All the pretty flowers, the beautiful fragrances, and of course...watching people in love! I'm such a sucker for new love! :) I hope you enjoy these little beauties as much as I did find them! Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mommy and Me Christmas Session

I first would like to apologize for getting so far behind on my photography blog!  The holidays were a very busy time for photography and fmaily events and I am working quickly to share some of my favorite photos with everyone so I am starting with the "Mommy and Me" Christmas session! Katie and her son are so adorable together and you can feel the strong bond between them which is always a beautiful thing! Their photos were both holiday and casual themed so that they could be viewed all year...or at least til their next session!  Enjoy!